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Why carry out a cyber governance health check?

The British Government’s National Security Strategy acknowledges cyber threats as one of the four major risks to national security. Find out more about the current cyber threat landscape here.

A company’s Board of Directors is accountable for the organisation’s cyber security health. In writing a letter in July 2013 to the chairmen of all the FTSE 350 companies, the government has stressed the importance of a cyber governance health check.

A cyber governance health check at Board level is necessary to establish the gaps in the governance of cyber security from a Board perspective. It will enable Board directors to understand how information flows across the enterprise, whether information assets are properly registered and who is responsible for managing cyber risk. It will also help the Board determine which cyber governance areas to target for improvement and how much money to invest.

“More than 70% of investors are interested in reviewing public company cyber security practices and almost 80% would likely not consider investing in a company with a history of attacks.” [Source: HB Gary report]

What does a cyber governance health check include?

Our qualified, experienced consultants will work with you to determine the governance of cyber security in your organisation at Board level.

The following areas will be examined and a report will be produced which identifies the gap areas and recommends specific steps to fill these in:

* Do your company’s Board directors receive regular reports on the status of your company’s cyber security governance? If yes, how often are the reports received?
* Have you identified your key information assets and thoroughly assessed their vulnerability to attack?
* Has responsibility for the cyber risk been allocated appropriately? Is it on the risk register?
* Do you have an effective risk governance structure, in which your risk appetite and selected controls are aligned?
* Do you have appropriate information risk policies and adequate cyber insurance? Akkula Group can also help you to carry out a detailed cyber security risk assessment.

